2008년 3월 22일 토요일

Lord of the Flies by William Golding


Imagine that you and your friends are in the isolated island. You would think that you can help each other to survive, but you can't. To survive, you will think of yourself first than others, and if you keep thinking about yourself, eventually, you will only think of yourself. And then, if other people try to take the foods, you would stop them from taking away your foods. And to stop them from taking the foods, you would kill them because there're no rules or laws. Only thing you would want is to survive in the island. You would not even watch other people's eyes. You would do anything, even murdering, to survive. This is what the theme is about. People with no civilization will become like animals because of the instinct of people which is the desire to survive. This is very important to teenagers thesedays. They are very sensitive. There are many teenagers who are narrow minded and self centered. If they crashes in to the isolated island, they will all be dead. That's why it is very important to teenagers thesedays.
Main Character

There are two main characters in this book, Ralph and Jack. After the crash, first they didn't know what to do. But then, Ralph uses his leadership to lead people. He is mentally adult in this story. He can control himself and protect himself from the human's instinct, savagery. He makes a society in the island. But while he was leading, people started to get savage, and one of them were Jack. As people were getting savager, Jack tries to lead other people who got savage. And then Jack gets to lead all the people except Ralph. Jack uses his leadership in wrong way.

I liked Ralph because he is wise and has a great leadership, which he uses wisely. I think he would make a great society. I want to become like him and use the leadership to become a great leader like Ralph. But opposite to Ralph, I really hated Jack. I think he is really dumb because even though he had a great leadership, he used it foolishly. If I had that leadership, I would have used it wisely.

The mood of this story is adventurous. The crashing plane, killing, hunting, etc. there are all about adventures. But also this story is depression. The fact that they got savage is depressive.I was sad about how savage people can get. Also, this story is scary. When people got mad, it was really scary. These three moods made a really interesting story. I really liked this book.

The climax of this story is when Jack leads people and started to kill. Killing showed the climax of savageness. I was shocked that they killed a human. The story gets scary after the killing. If I was Ralph, I would have dissuade them from being savage. I felt bad about Jack turning savage. If he didn't get savage, there would have been no one killed. Ralph's and Jack's leadership would have been very good. And that would have made the story interesting, too.

I really liked the setting. Isolated island was a good choice of the setting. In isolated island, there's no society, laws, nor rules. It means that if people do something against law, there are no punishments for them. And that is why people got savage in that island.

Also, the time setting was good, too. If the time was like somewhere in the stone age, all these savageness would be obvious. But the time was modern. In modern, there are societies and laws. And that is why all these savageness was shocking. It was a good choice, too.

The voice of the author is scary. The author tells the story scarily. People turning savage and killing is a scary voice. I think the author was trying to make the mood of this book scary. And all the things were adventureous. I liked that his voice was scary, because if his voice was not scary, it would have not created a scary and adventurous mood. I think voice is an important thing to consider for the mood.

2008년 3월 12일 수요일

Greek Mythology

Entry # 1

Greek God

I will search about the god of sea, Poseidon. He is a son of Cronus. He was swallowed by his father right after his birth with other brothers. But after times, they all came out of Cronus. And all of them became Gods. And he became the god of the sea. He has a trident that is used for controlling seas and punishing bad people.And I think he is competitive. Because once he had competed fiercly with Athena to gain a city. He also has the Pegasus. Pegasus is a horse that has two wings to fly. The similarities between Hercules are that they are both strong enough to kill monsters, they are both kind. The different things are that Poseidon is a god and Hercules is a human, Poseidon has a power to control the sea but Hercules has a super strength.
Entry # 2

Greek monsters

I am going to search about Hydra. It is the offspring of
Typhon. It is a monster that has 9 heads, and one of them is immortal. The head looks like a snake. If one of the head is cut, it grows into two. It was defeated by Hercules. The reason why Hercules defeated Hydra is because the Hercules was given the The Twelve Labours, the tasks to turn into a God. And killing Hydra was one of them. It was the Second Labour. When Hercules was fighting with Hydra, Hercules cut it's heads but they kept growing into two, so he burned it. The immortal head was crushed by a rock.

2008년 3월 9일 일요일

Entry # 3

What qualities would you like to have as a Greek god or goddess?

I want to have the superhuman strength. My body will be full of big muscles like body builders. If I have the superpower, I will punish the criminals, and I will help people who are in troubles. If someone was trapped under something really heavy like cars or crushed house, I would just lift them and save people from troubles. And I can just
beat up the bad people and put them into jail. It would be really easy to beat them up if I had the superpower. If I become the wrestler, I will be the ultimate champion in the world. But I wouldn't do it because it's too dangerous. And I wouldn't even have to go to health club to work out. In addition I want to be the god of knowledge, too. If I was strong and smart, too, it will be the best combination. And my life will be a lot easier to live.

2008년 3월 2일 일요일


DK Hong's


David lee's

Andrew kang's

Andrew Nam's

Jihun jun's

2008년 3월 1일 토요일



Noo goo bo da bba ru gae nan nam dle gwa nun da ru gae

Sak da ru gae rythm el ta nun beat we ae na gu nae
