There are two main characters in this book, Ralph and Jack. After the crash, first they didn't know what to do. But then, Ralph uses his leadership to lead people. He is mentally adult in this story. He can control himself and protect himself from the human's instinct, savagery. He makes a society in the island. But while he was leading, people started to get savage, and one of them were Jack. As people were getting savager, Jack tries to lead other people who got savage. And then Jack gets to lead all the people except Ralph. Jack uses his leadership in wrong way.
I liked Ralph because he is wise and has a great leadership, which he uses wisely. I think he would make a great society. I want to become like him and use the leadership to become a great leader like Ralph. But opposite to Ralph, I really hated Jack. I think he is really dumb because even though he had a great leadership, he used it foolishly. If I had that leadership, I would have used it wisely.
댓글 2개:
I also liked Ralph for his leadership. He tried to benefit everybody instead of only himself. He was admirable character. In contrast, Jack was not much a respectful character. Jack wanted authority just for his own greediness. I thought that if only Jack could yield his opinion, everything would get along. However, I soon realized that even if Jack did not made conflict with Ralph, one of the boys would soon make that conflict.
Though we do not like characters like Jack and there would be no one like him, there are always people who has similar characteristics with Jack. Nice post!
Yeah, Ralph surely showed his leadership and used it wisely. Contrast to him, Jack was an idiot, just desiring the power.
However, I think that since a person like Jack exist in the story, person like Ralph seems to be prominent character in the story.
Nice entry! :)
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